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About us


第一の特色としてコロラド日本語教会は、コロラド州の日系社会や各地の無牧の教会をサポートすることに特化した特殊なミニストリーを展開する日本語教会です。その為、定例の礼拝は、毎月、第一日曜日のみApplewood Baptist ChurchのセントラルキャンパスのAnnexビルディングの地下の部屋を借りて行っています。その他主な特徴は、各ニーズに移動教会/巡回伝道であることです。ニーズに応じてこちらから訪問し、各地で聖書勉強会や礼拝を持ちます。コロラド州にはその歴史の背景から沢山の日系人(約11,571人)が住んでおり、また5千人ほどの日本から移住、または駐在しておられる日本人も住んでいますが、各地に散らばっており、なかなか一か所で集まることが難しい上、高齢化の問題で移動が難しい方々もいます。普段は各地の英語教会に通っておられるクリスチャンの方々からも、月に一度は、日本語での学びをしたいとの要望に応え、月一度の礼拝を持つ形でミニストリーを始めることとなりました。その為、こちらからニーズに寄り添う形が最適と考えています。



第三の特徴は各地・教会・団体や集会との協力体制です。私たちのセンディング/サポートチャーチであるApplewood Baptist Churchを初め、他の日本人教会、コロラドスプリングス市での聖書勉強会、また牧師のアメリカでの初の宣教地となったテネシー州やノースカロライナ、他州の日本人牧師との連携と情報交換、そしてサポートしあうことによってこの地での日本人宣教の発展を目指します。

第四にトレーニングとリバイバルを兼ねたリトリートキャンプの開催といったイベントを通してクリスチャン同士の絆や繋がりを深める機会をサポートします。またある時はノンクリスチャンのグループでピクニック・キャンプや様々なアクティビティーを通して、語り合い、交流を深めたり、カフェミニストリーなどもありますので、詳細はOur Ministriesをご覧ください。

Colorado Japanese Church began its mission on April 1, 2018. Our interdenominational church and ministries are pretty unique and our mission has 4 main purposes. Japanese community in Colorado is not that large; there are approximately 5,000 Japanese people in Colorado according to Denver's Japanese Consulate. However, if Japanese-Americans and international families are included, there were 11,571 Japanese Americans in Colorado, but this number counted only mono racial people, while the community is increasingly multiracial. Since many people live in a widely scattered area, some are already going to an English-speaking church (which is great!), or some are too old to drive very far to attend every week, we aim to make our ministry flexible in order to meet diverse needs. We would like to go and reach out to people like Jesus; we want to help and support their needs and requests and care and offer the grace, mercy and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. For these reasons, the first part of our mission is reaching out and satellite mission. Already there are several small Christian groups but who do not have a leader or pastor.  We'd love to help those small groups to study Bible in Japanese together or worship. 

our pastor:

横井牧師は大阪出身で、学生の頃日本メノナイト・ブレザレン教団、寝屋川キリスト教会で救われ信仰を持ち、後に16歳半年上の愛する妻(幸子夫人)と結婚してから、寝屋川市にて「喫茶店斜路夢(シャローム)」のマスターとして学生伝道に関わってきました。その後、妻の脳梗塞を患い、企業に勤めながら、東寝屋川に開拓伝道の為教会執事としてディーケンとして務めた後92年に南部バプテストの教団(SBC)よりテネシー州での日本人伝道者として招聘される。93年1月より10年間、マーフリースボローのThird Baptist ChurchでTN州で最初の日本人教会の開拓伝道を始める。この間、現Memphis Japanese Church他、州外州内9か所で定期的に集会を持つ。

2002年の10月よりFirst Baptist Church of Raleighにて日本語教会の自立の為に招聘され2008年よりラレー日本語バプテスト教会となり2015年の10月まで牧会される。この間州内の5つの都市で定期的に日本人集会を持つ。

2015年の11月よりコロラドの娘夫婦の元へ移り地域コミュニティーのサポートをしながら2018年の10月より南部バプテスト連盟の新たな開拓伝道の拠点としてColorado Japanese Churchを発足させる。2019年9月に最愛の妻である幸子夫人を長年の闘病生活と腎臓病からの敗血症の合併症により亡くす。

Shigeyuki (Simon) Yokoi

横井 滋幸牧師 Lead Pastor

I and my wife Sachiko owned small cafe restaurant in Japan and it was our first step to served Lord. Through this cafe ministry, we reached out to many businessman and students to come to the Christ then some of them are now become a pastor in Japan. After my wife suffer from stroke, we quit that restaurant and I worked for big contraction farm as a measurement technician and sales for 7 years. Same time, I was also worked as a deacon member of Mennonite Brethren Church in Osaka Japan, then through my American best friend's mother, who was a missionary to Japan for 37 years retired then living in TN called us to serve for small Japanese group in TN.  I had a sick wife and a teenage adolescent daughter and had a struggle to abandon a stable job to go to America, but after praying half year, we decided to come to USA  only with our faith in God in 1992.


We opened home for Bible study, church and Japanese Supplementary school and welcomed new Japanese and other countries college students who are away from their parents and feel lonely in foreign country.


Time fly so fast that I could not believe it's already 26th years since God chosen us to come over this wonderful country to serve for Japanese and native community. My only daughter and her family offered us to live with them in Colorado since my wife came down with an aortic dissection, and she needs full support in her daily life, I decided to resign from church because it is really hard to continue working at that time. It was hard decision for me to leave the church, but again after two years since we moved here, God give us another  opportunity to work for Him in this community.


I and my family are so glad and excited about that Applewood Baptist Church and Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) supports our new ministry in Colorado. Our ministry is not like a regular practice, but sometime to go out and reach to non Christian, or offer regular bible meetings or service once a month for people who are interested in Christianity and already a christian, but wanted to learn and hear Bible in our own tongue. I am currently working at Colorado Japanese School in Arvada once a week to teach math and science in 7th and 8th grader,  I feel that God uses me to work for his glory more and more and am so happy to serve for church and community. 

As the Bible tells us, Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life." (Revelation 2:10), I will continue to serve the Lord and reach out his love to the people.

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